Jesus Sahasranamam: Digestion of Hinduism in Kerala

We recently summarized the digestion of the Hindu festival of Onam into some mangled secular celebration. This post continues in this path and tracks various attempts in Kerala.

November 2013
Jesus Sahasranamam

Vaneesh shares this link:
"Jesus Sahasranama of Prof. Chacko is another example of digestion. This has an apple App as well. I came across this accidentally.
This reminds of Sri Rajiv's mention how the europeans learn sanskrit and then try to influence the native indians especially who are uneducated and illiterate. Now the slave mentallity Indians are doing their job.

Rajesh finds more:
"The 'Digester' - an Author of Jesus Sahasranama Mr Chacko does not stop only
at one

*Other works by the author:*

- Yesu Suprabhatham
- Kristhubhujangam
- Giriprabhashanam
- and Other Ten odd Monographs
- (All in Sanskrit)"

Rama shares a link on 'Jesus Namaskaram

Gokul adds:
"..The attempt to "Hinduise" Christianity has been a phenomena for centuries in the state of Kerala. The Bible is called Veda Pustaka by Christians. Their festivals and art forms have borrowed heavily from Hindu traditions. In recent years, this effort has gained considerable momentum. That is the only difference. 

...If you look at the people who helped this Christian priest in his endeavor to create the Jesus Sahasranama, you can see that there are two Hindus who knowingly or unknowingly .. collaborating with the Church. I don't want to leave with a note of pessimism. I am very hopeful that the Malayalam editions of Rajivji's books will become available soon and will have a major impact on the thinking of Hindus. If we are to prevent the further advance of anti Hindu forces, education of Hindus will have to remain the primary goal of all Hindu groups. Let us all continue to support the work of Infinity Foundation with greater vigor and purpose."

Raja adds:
"...Nearly 16000 Keralite priests and nuns work in churches outside india.

... There is hardly any scope for conversions in Kerala,due to high literacy rate and boundaries for the three religions are clearly defined.In fact Kerala is like an old age home as younger generation is forced to migrate outside kerala. Perhaps Yesu Sahasranama may be ...for the purpose of conversions outside kerala.Even if the churches are poaching hindus in Kerala,the hindus do not any political leadership to tackle the issue.People carrying hindu names are mostly marxists, ..." 
Sree shares:
"This type of digestion dates back to 17th century.
In Kerala we have a poet named Poonthanam who wrote devotional songs about lord Vishnu in the 16th centuary.
The hymns that he wrote is known as Jnana-pana (I think, it means the song of knowledge). But soon after the inception of Jnanappana, a german Jesuit wrote a poem in the same tune known as Puthen-pana by around 17th century.

The songs are similar to Jnanappana but it praises Jesus.
There is even a doctoral dissertation about the origin of Puthen pana..." 

Rajiv Malhotra shares a YT link:

Watch Father Sadhu George digesting Bharat Natyam into Christianity, duping  Hindus who see it as respect for them: 

"Dancing Jesuits"

ksn responds:
".. the erection of Flag staffs in front of all the churches which was never the case. Wearing of Tilak and so on, giving Hindu names to children, Yoga,going to church everyday like the Hidus throng to temples are other instances.
In fact the effects are clearly visible. ... The orphange route is there across India. In fact people come home to ask for donations hiding the fact that the children have already been converted. The cases of  inter religious marriages used to be resisted tooth and nail in the past in Kerala and today, we see parents helplessly accepting the move. The children are ready to fall in the trap and defy the parents in cases where there is resistance.
Kerala is also the breeding ground for sending conversion agents to various other states. Mizoram and other NE States, Andhrapradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and so on. .... provocation and resultant trouble, may it be in Orissa or Lucknow or anywhere else. 
..How about the Swargeeya Virunnu (The heavenly feast?) When I confronted a woman who frequents such a place, she very clearly mentioned about the methods they adopt to lure them. She is a brilliant person, but claims that as a Hindu., she does not have a system to get even a counselling.They ask her to shout out to God for help,get monetary and other helps and in return, she has to wipe out her bindi/convert finally.
.... is only the tip of the iceberg that you have seen."

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